Top 22+ Best Blog Niche Ideas for 2020

This article, we’re going to talk about the blog niche ideas for 2020. Also in particular I want to share with you a blog niche idea that can make over 30K Dollars a month.

Best Niche Blog's Ideas for 2020

So what’s up guys? we are from the Blog Junior team and we post articles on blogging and online earning. Believe me, for this article we did a lot of research for you and I’m going to show you the exact niche that is making over 31K dollars a month. Also, I’m gonna show you exactly how that niche makes that money. I will be sharing the exact website, ideas, keywords that you can use, and how you can actually get started today in this niche.

Best Blog Niche Ideas for 2020

So first of all, here is the proof:


So the case study, the niche, and the website that we’re going to be looking at today is This website is run by Cheryl and Cheryl has been running this website for a little while now. She publishes regular income reports on her website. the most recent one that I could find on her website is from August 2019. In August 2019 she made 31000$ and if we just take a look at some of the stats so many days she gets over 20 to 30 thousand page views in a day.

How Does Actually Make 31000$ From the Blog?

Well luckily she has written a pretty detailed explanation of her income and most of her revenue actually comes from Adthrive. if you’re not familiar with Adthrive, Adthrive is kind of similar to Google Adsense and media vine. she actually shares the information of her RPM(revenue per thousand impressions). So per thousand page views, she is getting almost 27$ which is really really good. so for every thousand visitors that get onto her blog, she makes approximately 27$ dollars. when you get 30 to 40 thousand page views per day, there’s no surprise that she makes almost a thousand dollars a day from ads.

Out of interest, I’ve had a look on Ahrefs to analyze this domain( of course, everything checks out but it’s still interesting to see that she’s currently ranking for close to 100K different keywords. according to Ahrefs she currently gets approximately two hundred thousand visitors per month. but of course, she is actually getting a lot more as we saw in the income report. Ahrefs tends to underestimate the amount of traffic. they do the same thing for my website as well. it shows a lot less traffic than what I’m actually getting.


Food Blog in 2020

So let’s take a look at what kind of keywords this website is currently ranking for. and surprise surprise this is of course a food blog so food niche is an excellent niche for anyone to get into. this is something that literally you or anyone online can start doing. it doesn’t require any special knowledge. all it requires is food text and photos as you’re preparing the food and put that information up onto a blog. so the way that this works just in case you kind of not familiar with the whole blogging situation.

The interesting thing for me personally is that you can make really good revenue per thousand impressions in the food niche. which actually has very low competition on Google. you can publish recipes on Google and you can get so much traffic for free from Google search if you choose your keywords correctly. you actually can see the perv that the ad revenue in this niche is actually really high.

Type of content to be successful in blogging

Now the type of content that you would need to make to be successful in this niche is nothing complicated. Just you need to publish simple recipes. you can see that this website actually has very simple content, no photos of the actual preparation, step by step process, and just the description of how to cook things. here you can create these photos pretty easily in paint or in another free program and then just the step-by-step description of exactly how to cook this. so anyone can start a blog in this niche there is no secret to creating content. it’s super easy and very newbie-friendly.

how do you actually get cracking with a blog like this?

well here is how to start. so in general I recommend publishing long-form content. but of course, sometimes you can publish content of just a thousand words, one and a half thousand words, two thousand words.

I describe all of that in my free article. generally, after you’ve published say 10 to 50 articles that might take about one to two months for you to do. after that, in about two to three months you generally start seeing first results if you’re doing everything correctly. but then the traffic just starts to snowball in blogging. that’s how blogging works. I saw the same thing on a number of my sites. it takes a few months to really get cracking but then you get that free ongoing traffic coming into your website.

guess what if you can get a thousand visitors a day which is not very hard by the way you can make 27$ a day. which is a pretty good start. that’s a 1000$ a month.

So I hope this will help you to understand the Best Blog Niche Ideas for 2020. Let us know if you have found this case study helpful

एक टिप्पणी भेजें

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